Starting Reception at Alton Close | Alton Close | Primary | Swindon Academy

Everything You Need to Know

The first year of school is an important and exciting time for you and your child. We want you to feel safe, secure and welcome as new members of our school family. This page provides key information about your child’s first steps in Reception, to ensure it is a positive and enjoyable experience.

What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?

In Reception, we have our own secure learning environment, indoors and outdoors. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the stage of education from birth to the end of Reception. We focus on the approach that children learn best through play. Young children learn and develop best when they are in a stimulating environment; an environment that is carefully organised and equipped to meet the needs, interests and stages of development of all children. We allow our children to take control of their own learning while staff observe and enhance their experience through engaging and interacting with them.


Teacher : Daniella Moore and Oliver Baylis


Teacher : Leanne Alves

Ordering School Lunches

Universal Free School Meals are offered to all children in Reception and Years 1 & 2. We strongly advise all children to take up this offer.

Lunch choices are made by parents in advance on our ‘ParentPay’ for the term ahead. All parents will receive an activation letter with a nine-letter reference to enable them to setup their ParentPay account. If you do choose to provide your child with a packed lunch, it should include healthy food such as a sandwich or wrap, fruit, raw vegetables, cheese and yogurt. We do not allow sweets, fizzy drinks or chocolate.

For snack, we provide milk until the children are 5, which can be ordered. Water, fruit and vegetables are available to your child throughout the day. All meals are cooked fresh on site each day.

Allergies: Please let us know when your child starts school of any allergies or dietary requirements.

Ready, Steady, Go!

Many parents ask us what they can do to get their child ready for starting in Reception.  Here are our suggestions:

  • Help them develop their hand strength, such as being able to grip a pencil correctly 
  • Reading with them: creating an interest in books, illustrations and nursery rhymes
  • Work with them to enable them to recognise their own name and some numbers
  • Practice sharing and talking in full sentences
  • Teach them some independence with things like dressing, and using a knife and fork
  • Toilet trained

The EYFS Curriculum

The curriculum is based on the seven areas of learning:

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Prime Areas:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical
  • Personal, Social and Emotional


Children have two PE sessions per week. Your child will have lots  of opportunities to improve their fine and gross motor skills with our specialist PE teacher, and learn about how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Getting to Know Your Child

To make sure your child has the best possible start in Reception, we will work closely with you to get to know you and your child. If there is anything you are unsure about, please get in touch with us- staff are always on the gate in the morning and the afternoon and are happy to talk. Alternatively, you can message us through EPRAISE at Alton Close Admin.

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