Term 1 Theory – Engineering drawings
Students in year 10 will be introduced to engineering drawing. Students will look at drawing standards, and they will need to accurately interpret a wide range of appropriate information from engineering drawings.
Students will also look at both orthographic and isometric drawing.
Health and Safety in the workshop –
Learn about risk assessments
Discover why health and safety in the workshop environment is needed
Understand health and safety signs (shapes and colours)
Learn about wearable protection PPE
Term 1 Practical – Aluminium Dog tags – Introduction in to working with metal
- Marking out
- Hand tools
- Drilling machines
- Cutting
- Finishing
- Preparing
- Shaping
- Drilling
Term 2 Theory – Materials and Properties
During term 2 students will find out all about different materials and what some of those materials can do. Materials are the fundamental make-up of the world we live in, so as an Engineer it is your job to discover what the capabilities are for each of the materials you intend to use.
Term 2 Practical – Bottle opener (WJEC Engineering bottle opener p186 of textbook)
- Marking out
- Hand tools
- Drilling machines
- Cutting
- Finishing
- Preparing
- Shaping
- Drilling (stepping up)
- Countersink
- Counterbore
- Milling machine