Important Dates - Secondary | Parents | Secondary | Swindon Academy

Important Dates - Secondary

Please view Secondary Parents page for more detail.  Printable PDFs of term dates and training days can accessed in the links below

Term 1: 4 September 2024

Monday 2 September Inset day
Tuesday 3 September Inset day
Wednesday 4 September First day of term for Year 7 & Primary
Thursday 5 September First day of term for UCSF (Sixth Form)
Friday 6 September First day of term for Year 11
Monday 9 September First day of term for Year 10
Monday 9 September Duke of Edinburgh Awards 6pm - launch evening for parents 
Tuesday 10  September First day of term for Year 8 & 9
Thursday 12 September Awards Evening 6pm (for academic year 2023-24)
Thursday 26 September Open Evening 6 - 8pm (for all families of Year 5 & 6 pupils)
Wednesday 2 October Year 8 Camp Week 6pm - information evening
Thursday 3 October  Grammar Stream in Action (9 - 11am) - for prospective Grammar Stream parents of children in Years 3,4,5
Tuesday 8 October Year 7 Settling In Parents Evening
Tuesday 8 October Grammar Stream in Action (9 - 11am) - for prospective Grammar Stream parents of children in Years 3,4,5
Friday 11 October Student Photos
Friday 18 October Last Day of Term - students finish at 3:35pm

Term 2: 4 November 2024

Monday 4 November First day of term
Wednesday 6 November SEND parent/ carer drop in 4 - 6pm
Thursday 7 November United College Sixth Form (UCSF) Open Evening 6 - 8pm
Friday 8 November United College Sixth Form (UCSF) Open Morning 10am - 12pm
Saturday 9 November Grammar Stream Open Morning at Marlborough College (for prospective students & parents) 10:30am - 12pm
Wednesday 27 November Staff CPD - students finish at 1:20pm, except Yr11 and yr13 (Geography)
Thursday 28 November  Year 11/13 Certificates 4-6pm

Thursday 5 December

5pm: FREE Cinema Night "The Muppet Christmas Carol"
Wednesday 18 December  6 - 8pm Christmas by Candlelight
Friday 20 December Last day of term - early finish at 1:20pm

Term 3: 7 January 2025

Tuesday 7 January First day of term
Thursday 16 January 4-7pm Year 11 & 13 subject Parents Meeting 
Tuesday 21 January 1:20pm Staff CPD Afternoon. Students finish at 1:20pm
Tuesday 21 January 4-6pm Interviews at United College Sixth Form 
Tuesday 21 January 4-6pm Years 7 - 10 Parents Evening
Saturday 25 January 9:30-11:30am Grammar Stream Taster Event at Swindon Academy
Wednesday 29 January 4-6pm SEND Parent Drop-in
Tuesday 4 February 4-6pm Interviews at United College Sixth Form 
Tuesday 11 February   Invite only Parent Meetings Yrs 7 - 10
Tuesday 11 February  Appren-T-Fest visit at Steam Museum
Thursday 13 February 6-9pm School Show Shrek
Friday 14 February 6-9pm School Show Shrek
Friday 14 February Last day of term

Term 4: 24 February 2025

Monday 24 February First day of term
Friday 28 February Careers Fair - all years
Tuesday 4 March Parent meeting Yrs 7-10 
Monday 10 March Year 9 Options Week
Wednesday 12 March SEND parents & carers drop in 4 - 6pm
Thursday 27 March Year 10 & Year 12 Parents Evening
Friday 28 March  Culture Day
Friday 4 April Last day of term - early finish at 1:20pm

Term 5: 23 April 2025

Monday 21 April Inset Day
Tuesday 22 April Inset Day
Wednesday 23 April  First Day of Term
Thursday 29 April Years 7 -10 Parent Meetings 4 - 6pm
Friday 23 May Last Day of Term

Term 6: 2 June 2025

Monday 2 June First day of term
Tuesday 10 June Years 7 - 10 Parent Meetings 4 - 6pm
Tuesday 17 June Year 6 into 7 Parents Transition Evening
Tuesday 24 June  Young Musician of the Year 6pm
Wednesday 25 June SEND Parent/ carer event 5-7pm
Tuesday 1 July  Yr 11 Graduation Evening 
Tuesday 8 July Sports Personality Evening
Wednesday 9 July Sixth Form visit to Swindon Magistrates Court
Thursday 10 July Year 9 Parent Meeting (subject)
Monday 14 July - Friday 18 July ABC Week: Work Experience & Yr 8 Camp
Friday 18 July Early finish at 1:20pm
Thursday 24 July Last day of term, early finish at 1:20pm
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