Prep Guidance | Learning | Secondary | Swindon Academy

Summer Prep

Find entertaining and useful things to do during the summer hols which will also prepare you for your new year group!

Prep Guidance

We believe that prep increases academic achievement and progress as well as building independence and organisational skills. This helps students to gain further knowledge and understanding, therefore we expect all students to complete prep work ahead of lessons. At the start of the academic year, students are issued with a prep book for each of their subjects and a personalised timetable, indicating when prep work will be set and collected. It is expected that all prep work is completed to the highest standards in these books and that they are looked after and not lost.

Years 7-9

In Years 7-9, students receive “Core Prep” in Bedrock, English, Maths, Science, Spanish, Sparx Reader, Geography and History, with each task taking a maximum of 1 hour to complete. Students also receive optional “Progress Prep” in the creative subjects which we encourage students to complete to ensure their best progress in art, music, drama, food and textiles. All students have a minimum of 1 week to complete all prep and deadlines can be checked on E-Praise.

We believe it's important to reward students for completing prep. Students receive “Core Prep” E-Praise points for every prep completed, as well as additional “Progress Prep” points for any written notes, all of which can be spent in the E-Praise shop.

Bedrock and Maths prep is compulsory. Students who do not complete this prep will receive a 1-hour detention. The other core preps are rewarded through Epraise points, and students will not receive a detention if not complted, however, we believe students should aim to complete as much prep as they can to maximise their potential for future success.

Years 10 and 11

In Years 10 and 11, students receive Core Prep in English, Maths, Science as well as their Option subjects, which should take a maximum of 1.5 hours daily to complete. All students have a minimum of 1 week to complete all prep and deadlines can be checked on E-Praise. Students will receive Epraise points for every prep completed.

Due to the importance of prep in aiding students reach their full potential at GCSE, all incomplete or unsatisfactory prep in Year 10 and 11 will lead to a 1-hour detention. 

Prep Club and detention

If students need support to complete prep, we encourage them to come to Prep Club, which runs after school every evening. Help is on hand from teaching assistants and students can use the IT facilities. Students who need support and who take responsibility by attending Prep Club will not receive a detention for incomplete prep-work.

However, if prep is not completed to the required standard, and students have not taken responsibility for getting support by coming to Prep Club, a 1-hour detention will be issued the same evening the prep work is due (for all subjects at KS4 and Maths and Bedrock at KS3). Students will not be detained any later than 4.35pm daily and parents will be notified via Epraise notification in the event of a detention being set. Failure to attend detention will result in further sanctions. 

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